Collective Worship
Staff and students at St Luke’s engage in collective worship in a variety of ways. Our collective worship is inspired by our Christian vision and values, but is also invitational; everyone present is invited to engage, whether of any religious faith or none.
Collective worship should enable students and staff to flourish, which is central to Jesus’ offer of ‘life to the full’. It is an opportunity for students and staff to explore ‘life to the full’, experience something of that life and express our school values, particularly through showing respect, giving hope and being inclusive.
Students listen to a message from one of our school chaplains in a weekly assembly and are invited to respond through prayer or reflection and by considering their own beliefs, values and worldview. They also reflect on our Thought for the Week each day in tutorial. Additionally, Mindful Moments in tutorial enable students to explore, discuss and reflect upon a theme linked to one of our school values.
Students and staff also come together in moments of collective worship at significant occasions during the year, for example showing respect on Remembrance Day, celebrating Christmas through our Carol Service and reflecting upon the message of Easter.
Our Collective Worship Policy can be found on our policies page.
Click here to view our Chaplain videos