Guide for School Uniform
At St Luke’s we set great importance on the wearing of school uniform as a way to promote students’ sense of belonging and pride. We pride ourselves on having a very smart uniform which is conducive to high standards and creating a purposeful and successful environment within which to learn.
Students are expected to wear their full uniform at all times. Those wearing incomplete uniform or non-approved items will receive a sanction and students wearing any accessories or jewellery which do not follow the school uniform policy can expect to have these items confiscated.
Our full school uniform and PE kit are available from Price and Buckland https://www.pbuniform-online.co.uk/stlukeschurch The full uniform policy is set out clearly below. Parents and carers are strongly advised to pay particular attention to the uniform details, as only the items exactly as specified will be acceptable.
Please click here to see further information on Price and Buckland – Prices, Sizing and how to order – Parent-Online-Ordering-Information-2024-1.pdf
Main uniform
St Luke’s blazer with logo (black)
Our school blazer is only available from Price and Buckland. Substitutes, even of the same colour or design, are not permitted.
White collared shirt
Shirts must be plain and white with buttons all the way up and tucked into trousers or skirt. No logos, designs or patterns are permitted.
Trousers must be school trouser material and plain black. Trousers that have designs, logos or are made of canvas, linen, chino or jeans material are not permitted. Skinnies (ankle tight leggings or trousers) are not acceptable.
Our skirts are only available from Thomas Moore. Skirts must be the St Luke’s bespoke Trutex Castle Tartan Kilt worn no higher than a palm width above the knee. This skirt is not to be hemmed. Skirts that are too short, too tight or made of a stretch fabric material are not permitted.
Official St Luke’s school tie (with house colour)
Our clip-on ties are only available from Thomas Moore. Ties of another colour or design are not permitted. Please note that the colour of the tie is associated with the four school houses and it is important that your child wears the tie colour of their respective house.
- Darwin House – blue tie with red stripe
- Franklin House – blue tie with yellow stripe
- Galileo House – blue tie with light blue stripe
- Rutherford House – blue tie with purple stripe.
Shorts (black with school logo)
Shorts are an optional item and can be worn when the weather is hot and sunny and must be the bespoke tailored shorts from Price and Buckland which include the St Luke’s logo. Shorts of any
other kind, including sports and the St Luke’s PE shorts, are not permitted to be worn as uniform.
Plain socks/tights
Socks must be plain black. No other colour is permitted. Tights must be black or grey.
Leggings or footless tights are not permitted as a substitute for tights.
Black sweater
This is an optional uniform item. V-neck sweaters must be plain black and only worn under the blazer. Cardigans of any kind are not permitted.
Coats and scarves
Coats and scarves may only be worn outside the building and not as a substitute for a blazer. All coats, scarves and hoodies should be removed at the front door (by 8.20am) and not worn again whilst inside the school building.
Shoes in general must be in keeping with the rest of the St Luke’s uniform with careful consideration towards cost, fashion, practicality and safety.
These must be a shoe design only, no trainers of any kind are permitted. They can be slip-on, velcro or lace fastenings, and must have flat heels. The footwear must be entirely black throughout including sole, uppers, stitching and any piping. No logos or designs are permitted.
Some of the types of shoes which are appropriate for school are pictured below. Please pay very close attention to this detail so as not to waste money on shoes which are unsuitable for school.
We have plenty of spare pairs of shoes in school to provide students with an option to correct their footwear when there is an issue. In the rare instances that students refuse to borrow reasonable alternatives when offered, they are hosted in our Behaviour Support Room room until the footwear is changed.
Please note that if your child uses the astroturf at lunchtimes they will need to change into their trainers (which will need to be astroturf trainers). School shoes are not permitted on the astroturf.
Styles of shoe which would NOT be suitable include:
PE Kit
Boys’ Compulsory PE Kit:
- Red St Luke’s polo shirt
- Black shorts (plain black)
- Trainers
Boys’ Optional PE kit:
- Black tracksuit bottoms
- Black St Luke’s shorts
- Red St Luke’s rugby shirt
- Gum shield
- Red St Luke’s football socks
- Red St Luke’s fleece
- Black sports coat or plain black hoodie
- Studded football boots/shin pads
Girls’ Compulsory PE kit:
- Red St Luke’s polo shirt
- Black shorts (plain black)
- Trainers
Girls’ Optional PE kit:
- Black sport leggings (not tights)
- Black tracksuit bottoms
- Black St Luke’s shorts
- Red St Luke’s fleece
- Red St Luke’s football socks
- Black sports coat or plain black hoodie
- Red St Luke’s rugby shirt
- Studded football boots/shin pads
Jewellery and appearance
Necklaces, bracelets and rings are not permitted for health and safety reasons. This includes charity bands as they are not part of school uniform.
Students are permitted to wear a wristwatch.
Students are encouraged to wear their school uniform badges with pride.
Piercings are limited to one stud in the lobe of each ear only. No other piercings or spacers, including clear or retaining piercings are permitted. Tongue piercings are not permitted. Ear lobe stretchers and spike earrings are strictly forbidden due to health and safety reasons.
Examples of inappropriate piercings and appearance include:
If worn, make up must be hardly noticeable, natural and very subtle. Students will be asked to remove fake eyelashes and any obvious make-up if worn into school.
Body art
Tattoos (even if only temporary), henna decorations and other body art are not permitted.
Cuts, styles and accessories must be suitable for a business-like school environment and not deemed extreme or aggressive.
Hair must be clean and a natural colour.
Styles must not reflect any group affiliation e.g. carved patterns, mohicans or excessively short crops (grades zero).
Hair colouring, if at all used, must be a natural hair shade.
The wearing of false nails or gel nails is not permitted. Nail varnish, if worn, must be clear.
Chewing gum
Chewing gum is not permitted at St Luke’s.
Non-uniform days
On non-uniform days, clothing should be non-revealing and not bear offensive logos or comments.
The rules concerning hair colour, jewellery, make-up and facial piercings will still apply.
Uniform abuse
Parents and carers have a responsibility to ensure all students meet the school’s’s uniform policy. We always work to alert parents/carers prior to any uniform sanction being issued in the hope that we can work together to rectify the issue and avoid any student missing their learning.
On occasion, parents/carers may be contacted first thing in the morning to arrange for a student to be sent home to correct the uniform issue, returning immediately to school on completion, or for correct uniform items to be dropped into school if possible. In addition, a student may be asked to borrow an item of uniform made available by the school and are expected to wear this for that day.
Please note that religious observance or a particular medical need could be a valid exception and that the above list is not exhaustive. If you are in any doubt, please do not hesitate to contact the school to seek advice.